2020. 01. 24 ~ 2020. 02. 16
Running Time
30 min
Min Family's House
Any Age


Exhibition Programs

“Sibijisin -do (十二支神圖)” is a series of works by Lee Yong-il, and is designed to reflect on the meaning of the past year and the coming year by using Chinese-language typography of mice and pigs, whitch symbolize “Gyungjanyun” (2020 , 庚子年 )   and  “Ghihaenyun”  ( 2019,  己亥年)

The exhibition breaks away from the English-language-focused ”typography” and symbolizes the characteristics and cultural elements of the Asian font.. The exhibition will offer a view of exploring new possibilities for “East Asia typography”.


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(영문 입력 필요) 남산골한옥마을의 소식을 보다 빠르고 편리하게 접하기를 원하시는 분들께 매월  뉴스레터와 웹진을 통해  행사와 공연소식을 이메일로 보내드립니다.
