2017. 11. 14 ~ 2018. 12. 30
2017. 11. 14 ~ 2018. 12. 30
Running Time
30 mins.
Salon 1890
max 10 pers.
02 2261 0500
'Namsangol Chalyoung-guk (Namsangol Photo Studio)_남산골 촬영국' reproduced the space of a photo studio that was set up inside a hanok (Korean house) in the beginning of the 1890’s to the 1900’s and portrayed the times and the culture during the time of enlightenment. Namsangol Photo Studio offers a photo zone where you can take a retro-style portrait photo, and anyone are free to takes pictures. In particular, it also reproduced props including vintage and colored portrait photos that were popular after Joseon enforced an ordinance that prohibited topknots, postcards with pictures, cameras, photo albums, and picture frames and exhibited them with traditional antique furniture to offer unusual spectacles and various experiences.

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(영문 입력 필요) 남산골한옥마을의 소식을 보다 빠르고 편리하게 접하기를 원하시는 분들께 매월  뉴스레터와 웹진을 통해  행사와 공연소식을 이메일로 보내드립니다.
